Tuesday 21 October 2014

The famous Facebook

Facebook: ‘To give you the power to share and to make the work more open and connected’ Facebook is all about keeping you up to date with the latest news, product announcements, events and stories. Used by 31 million users in the UK alone and 802 million around the world.
The largest demographic remains with the 25-34 year olds, most think it’s the teens who are spending hours upon hours on the site each day, where in fact it’s us ‘late 20’s early 30’s’ that need to put the phone down and get out in the sunshine more often..…or rain if you live in the UK ;)
It’s one of the biggest tools for marketing in this current time, millions of people all over the world publicise themselves or their businesses all over social media and it’s having amazing effects.
Each day you can post comments/information, images or videos about your businesses and gradually it’ll be liked, shared and commented on which will had a knock on effect throughout your community, giving your business more exposure.
A business can also create an ad. They choose the type of audience they'd like to reach. If you're in that audience, Facebook shows you the ad.
Another option is to become a sponsor where your ad will appear down the right hand side of a profile. By doing this you can increase the reach of your audience but you have to boost your most recent activity (obviously at a cost) and Facebook will distribute it to your target audience. 

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