Wednesday 26 November 2014

Another Twitter Blog! Using it for your business in the right way.

Its becoming more and more apparent that Twitter is being used as another site to 'catch up with gossip'. Thats all very good and well and its great to interact with others on a more personal level at times, but lets not lose focus here and forget the real reasons why businesses should use Twitter. 

Don't get me wrong, i love a good chit chat and its great for building new business relationships, but do you think it can go a little too far sometimes?
I don't know about you but i feel as though businesses are missing out on getting key information out to their audience because they're too busy 'talking' to other accounts about irrelevant subjects. 

Everything in moderation i say! Yes, keep in touch with your followers, interact and engage with your online community, but remember to promote your services and products, after all thats why they followed you in the first place, right? 

Lets look at a few things how Twitter should be used in the right way:

1) Your competition - Keep an eye out on your competitors, what information are they sending out? who are they talking to? what are they doing differently to you and could you improve in any way? Try and find out if customers are having issues with them and use that to your advantage. 

2) Market research - Do a bit of research! Which tweets are your followers more interested in? What devices are they using to view your account? What products are they liking the most? Use this information in your business strategies. 

3) Networking - Connect with other local businesses around your area, build new relationships, good relationships can lead to purchases. 

4) Branding - Get out there with your brand, make yourself known/heard/seen - use informative tweets, interesting visuals, and engaging videos (but not videos which are too long, its a known fact the human concentration span doesn't exceed much past 90 secs)
The right use of hashtags and Twitter handles will increase awareness, and in time the consistency and quality of your tweets will develop familiarity and trust. 

5) Events - keeping up to date with whats going on in your area. Is there anything you could be apart of or get involved in? Jump on the back of the truck! 

6) Promote/Advertise - Use your account to push traffic through to your website. It can be a launch of a new product or service, or perhaps its particular news that you want your customers to see. This will also increase your website visibility and improve the SEO which in time will rank you higher in Google. You can also transfer them to other social media platforms such as Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn etc. 

7) Employees - Use Twitter to find new potential job candidates. But also its a good way to follow your current employees - where have they been? who have they seen? did the 'other person' leave good feedback about your employee?

8) Complaints - Twitter is great for finding out any issues or problems that customers are having with your company. Use this opportunity to regain trust and loyalty. Never ignore comments left whether good or bad, you don't want to look like you don't care!

Hopefully, you've found this blog useful - Its come from changes in activity over the last few weeks, and comments mentioned to me. If I'm seeing it, you may be seeing it to. 

If you need more help with any of you social media accounts you can see what services we offer here:

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Twitter @marketinggeeks_

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