Thursday, 30 April 2015

Understanding Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Many ask us about SEO so I thought it would be a good idea to write a little blog to help you out if you're not entirely sure what it means for you and your business. 
SEO is a process which increases the amount of visitors to a website. Specific words or phrases are added to the back end of a website so that when someone searches for any of them, the website will appear. SEO spiders or web crawlers as also known, then copy the information and indexes the site so people can search for them much quicker. 
'A Plane can’t fly without wings, and a website won’t be found without SEO' 
So don't expect to hit Page 1 without any. 
The main thing to remember about SEO is that it makes your website easily found by users and search engine spiders. SEO helps the engines figure out what the website/page is all about and how it can help others - It helps to make the content of a website more relevant and easier to understand. 
Linking to other site – good or bad?
Many would debate that linking to other sites is a good idea, some worry for a number of reasons. Heres just a few below:
  1. The other website may harm your reputation 
  2. It could damage your search engine rankings
  3. You could lose page rank
  4. No relevance to your business or line of work - if you're not linked in any way, dont do it!
On the plus side here are a few reasons to say it’s a good thing:

  1. It sends out trackable traffic – someone who has landed on the ‘linked site’ may see yours and want to see if you provide a service they require. 
  2. It can make your website more valuable 
  3. Shows that you are not a spammer
  4. Link with them, link with you – if you show that you are willing to link with other sites, others will be more inclined to want to link with you, it encourages positive participation. 
Just remember to think about all these pros and cons before agreeing to exchange links. If they are a reputable company and their line of work has synergy with yours then go for it! 

Hopefully this has helped give you a little more understand about search engine optimisation - Ensure you regularly update your key words on your website to keep things fresh, and if you're thinking about building a new website make sure each and every key word which relates to your business is included within the SEO. If in doubt, your web designer should be able to help OR give us a tinkle on 07703 429944 or contact us through our website

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And on Twitter @marketinggeeks_

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